Accisano, Nicholas Jr. Accisano, William
Ackerman, William W.
Addison, Neil
Alexander, Samuel
Allen, Harry W.
Allen, John T.
Allen, William H.
Allshouse, Frank Jr.
Alpern, Benjamin
Alpern, Jacob
Ananpules, James
Anderson, Abram M.
Anderson, Carl
Anderson, Conover
Anderson, Joseph
Andretta, Alphonso
Andretta, Arthur
Andretta, Thomas J.
Anson, Francis S.
Anson, Zane E
Applegate, 'George W.
Archer, Peter P. Jr.
Aumock, Francis C.
Aumock, Harry G. .
Aumock, Lloyd
Baillie, James W.
Baird, James R.
Baird, William D.
Banks, Frank L.
Banks, Henry
Banks, John S.
Banks, Thomas L.
Barber, Edward R.
Barber, William J.
Barkalow, Charles H.
Barkalow, Leon G.
Bartek, John
Bartron, Frank L.
Baskerville, Anderson Baskerville, Cecil R.
Baskerville, Charles
Baskerville, Earl
Bastedo, Lewis
Baynton, Harold Jr.
Becker, Milton
Becker, Robert
Becker, Ruth V.
Bfech, William
Beith, McDonald H.
Bellamy, Sidney
Bellamy, Vincent
Bellamy, William C.
Bennett, Albert
Bennett, Eugene
Bennett, John T.
Bernzweig, Elias P.
Bernzweig, Evelyn
Bernzweig, Melvin D.
Bernzweig, William E.
Biddle, Frank
Biddle, Robert L.
Bier, George F.
Bier, John
Bingham, Percy
Bird, George C.
Blackburn, David W.
Blisko, John R.
Block, Herbert L.
Bohn, Parker M
Booth, Thomas E.
Bordon, Charles I.
Bovie, John H.
Bovie, Raymond J.
Boyce, Robert K.
Boyle, George F.
Boyle, James
Boyle, James W.
Boyle, John
Boyle, Joseph, Jr.
Boyle, Michael
Brand, James
Brand, John
Brandstetter, Charles Brandstetter, Emil
Brandstetter, William H. Breazeale, John V. Jr.
Briggs, Eugene C
Brill, Gerow D.
Bromell, Alien F.
Brown, Donald W.
Brown, Ernest M.
Brown, Frederick W.
Brown, Leonard
Brown, Marvin C.
Brown, Raymond
Brown, Robert
Brown, Stewart
Brown, Woodrow W.
Bryan, William M.
Buble, Charles
Buble, Frank J.
Bunton, Stewart
Burdge, Harold L.
Burdge, Paul
Burrows, Earl C.
Burtt, Harry
Burtt, Robert O.
Butcher, Donald C. Jr.
Byk, Edward
Byk, John J.
Byk, Peter
Cagney, Arthur
Cagney, Walter
Cahill, William P.
Caiazzo, Ralph F.
Campbell, Edgar
Canfield, Earl
Canson, Nathan
Cantalice, Frank
Carney, James T.
Carter, Harry B.
Carter, John A.
Carter, Frederick
Carter, Thomas J.
Carter, William L.
Cashion, David E
Cervellino, Anthony
Cervellino, Lawrence
Cervellino, Michael
Cherin, Paul
Christy, Harry
Clark, Richard B. Sr.
Clark, Richard B. Jr.
Clayton, John B.
Clayton, Mervin
Cobb, G. Everett
Coddington, Oliver R.
Cole, Harry G.
Coley, Russell C.
Collins, Raymond C.
Collins, Joseph R.
Collins, James F.
Congro, Lawrence
Connors, Raymond Jr.
Connors, William C.
Conover, Alfred H.
Conover, Horace A.
Conover, Joseph B.
Conover, James
Conover, Cenaky
Conover, Peter W.
Copeland, Joseph
Conway, James J.
Cooper, Charles Jr.
Cornell, Claude K.
Cort, William R.
Coyne, J. Carroll
Coyne, Michael
Coyne, Raymond
Coyne, William F.
Courville, Arthur R.
Courville, George
Cramer, Alfred G.
Crisanto, Frank
Crawford, George
Crawford, John D.
Crawford, Raymond S. Crotchfelt, Joseph H. Jr.
Cullen, Oliver
Cullen, Walter
Cullen, William G.
Currie, Joseph T
Cusworth, Norman
Cusworth, Clifford
Dale, Andrew E.
Daley, Kenneth
Daley, James W.
Daley, Joseph M.
Daley, Raymond F. Davidofsky, Herman Davidofsky, Stanley M.
Davis, Edward
Davis, Samuel L.
Davison, Alva
Davison, Charles H. Davison, David
DeBlois, Kermit Demchenko, Michael Denise, Garrett H.
Denise, John V. DeLorenzo, Saverio DeVries, Peter C.
DeWitt, Harry
Dickash, Peter A.
Dill, Charles Ernest
Dill, John F.
Dittmar, George T- Jr. Dock, Wong W.
Dore, Robert H.
Dore, Thomas J.
Dorf, Joseph
Dorf, William
Drake, W. W. Jr.
DuBois, Harvey T.
Duff, Cecil M.
Duff, Robert G.
Dugan, Edward A.
Dugan, William D.
Dugard, Robert E.
Duncan, Brawner B. Duncan, Miguel C.
Duncan, Perry F.
Duncan, Walter C.
Dunn, Carlton T.
Dutton, George A.
Dyer, Holmes M.
Early, Joseph D.
Ebbesen, Clinton

Gold Star Honor Roll
Adamko, John
Albrecht, Adam
Askew, Theodore
Bennett, George W.
Brewer, Thomas J.
Bruno, Frank
Chambers, Walter M.
Durie, Albert
Jasper, Frederick
Louquet, Eugene
Mackey, William H.
Mason, Howard B.
Matthews, Stacey D.
McGrath, William J.
Murphy, John F.
Oglensky, David
Pine, William P.
Popp, Andy
Schiverea, Douglas C.
Simmons, Lloyd
Throckmorten, Theodore H
From the Borough of Freehold Historical Book, published in 1967:
"During the second World War, a Roll of Honor, bearing the name of all servicemen from Freehold and vicinity graced the town in front of the old Court House. Liberally sprinkled with gold stars and silver stars, it was a public badge of honor and patriotism, but with war's end it was dismantled and now belongs to history."
Click HERE for the Freehold Veterans that have been honored so far on the registry of the World War II Memorial in Washington DC.
Ecks, Charles F.
Ecks, Clinton G. Edgerton, Edward T. Egan, John A.
Egan, Phillip
Elliott, John C.
Ellor, James V.
Elmer, Arnold
Emmons, Albert L. Emmons, Earl Jr. Encherman, Robert M. Errickson, Charles A Jr.
Errickson, Georgianna Errickson, Kenneth Errickson, Warren
Estelle, Thomas E.
Evans, G. Eugene
Evans, William Jr. Evanson, Edward W.
Fairbanks, Deming
Fallon, John H.
Fariello, Charles L.
Fariello, George D.
Fariello, Joseph
Federici, Dante A.
Federici, Frank A.
Fedullo, Florenzo
Fegan, Margaret
Fegan, Ursula E.
Felton, David V.
Felton, John
Felton, William E.
Fenny, Paul
Ferris, John E
Filan, Donald
Filan, William T.
Finegold, Edmund S. Finkelstein, Isadore
Fitch, Frederick M.
Fitch, Paul J.
Foster, Kenneth E.
Frank, Harry N.
Frank, Raymond
Frankel, Nathan
Franklin, Francis J. Freedman, Harold H. Freedman, Joseph Freeman, Harold R. Freeman, William H.
Frick, Alfred C.
Frick, Carl L. Jr.
Frick, Otto
Friedman, Bernard L. Friedman, Isadore J.
Gaffney, Edward E. Gainey, William C. Gamble, Edward J. Gangemi, Edward Gardener, William
Gardner, Thomas F. Gembitsky, Jacob
Gere, George
Gere, Joseph P.
Getchus, Paul
Gibson, Frank Jr.
Gibson, Frederick
Gibson, George
Gibson, Joseph
Ginko, Frank
Ginko, Stanley Godlewska, Sophie Goldberg, Arthur M. Goldstein, Milton
Gormley, Raymond M. Grablewski, Alex W.
Grasberger, George J. Jr.
Green, Edward W.
Green, John J. Jr. Greenberg, Harvey Greenberg, Reuben
Griffith, William A.
Grogan, Charles W.
Grove, Walter
Grubby, Arnold
Grubby, Norman C. Grubby, Thomas Jr. Guerry, William A.
Ham, Joseph R.
Ham, Walter Jr. Hammerstone, Jess Hammond, Edward Hammond, Posey Hampton, Donald Hampton, Geojge
Hampton, Harry W.
Hand, William A.
Hankins, Frederick W. Hantman, Abraham H. Hardy, James W.
Harker, Raynor A. Jr. Harrell, Freddie, Jr.
Harris, Douglas R. Hartman, Raymond Hartman, Peter W. Hartung, Richard C. Havens, Walter P. Jr. Hawkins, Leonard
Hayes, Walter
Haynes, John C.
Hayward, Robert W. Hedgcock, Henry
Height, Robert L. Hellerman, George Hellerman, Robert
Hellings, Lawrence Hellings, Richard H. Hendrickson, Cornelius Herr, Edwin F. Jr.
Heupel, Joseph
Hibbitts, Ralph C.
Higgins, John
Hill, Joseph D.
Hill, Winston A.
Hiller, Llewellyn
Hinsley, Alvin N.
Holmes, Jonathan I. Holmes, Robert
Hope, George
Horowitz, Joe
Horton, John J.
Hughes, Warren A.
Hugus, Frank L. Jr. Hulshart, Forrest
Hyers, Richard
Ireland, Job. W.
Isaacson, Howard
Iverson, Donald F.
Iverson, James M.
Iverson, Vincent P. Iverson, William E.
Jackman, Roy P.
Jackson, Harry
Jackson, Sidney G. Jackson, Walter F. Jr. Janowitz, Joseph
Jeffries, Carl M.
Jeffries, Harry
Jeffries, Raymond E. Jensen, Jerome
Johnson, David L. Johnson, Eugene E. Johnson, Harry
Johnson, Nathaniel J. Johnson, Robert W. Johnson, William A. Johnson, William F.
Johnson, William J.
Jones, Harold
Kalinauskas, John Jr. Kalinauskas, William Kaltos, William
Kaplan, Aaron
Kazlauskis, Donald J. Kazlauskis, Stanley J. Kehs, George C. '
Kehs, Robert S.
Kelly, Joseph
Kelley, William P. Jr. Kennedy, Grover R.
Kelsey, Eugene
Kelsey, Raymond M.
Kelsey, William P.
Kent, Florence E.
Keymer, George C. Kindlan, Frank F.
King, John W.
Kingston, Austin Jr. Kingston, Joseph C. Kingston, Joseph W.
Kip, Heriry C.
Kip, John B.
Kirby, Eugene I.
Kirby, John P'.
Kirby, Oscar M.
Kirby, Warren J.
Kluza, George
Kohlage, Walter
Kopish, Joseph R. Kossowsky, Simon M. Kostygan, Stephen
Kotko, Alexander R.
Kotko, Marian
Koutsines, Otto A. Kowalski, Alexander Kreisman, Arthur Kristanowich, Ignatz Kuchinski, Charles L. Kuchinski, Edward Kuchinski, Stephen Kudlack, Frank
Kuzava, Walter E.
Lackett, Paul Albert Lackett, William A. LaForge, John A.
Lake, Walter J.
Lamb, Cecil
Lamb, Joseph C. Lambertson, William A. Lamson, Merritt, Jr. Landwehr, Alfred T.
Lang, James H.
Lang, John J.
Lang, Thomas G.
Langan, Wilbur
Lans, William J.
Larson, Arthur
Lawn, Francis
Lawn, John J.
Layton, Ernest
Layton, Joseph H.
Layton, Thomas F. Jr. Lazansky, Abe
Lee, Walter E.
Lefkowich, Henry T. Lempka, Edward
Lempka, James
Lench, Alfred P.
Leroy, William
Levchuk, Alexander Levchuk, John J.
Levin, Jack
Levy, Selma M.
Lewis, Alexander J. Lewis, Augustus B.
Lewis, Bigerton Jr.
Lewis, Clifford
Lewis, Donald W.
Lewis, Frederick J.
Lewis, Lester A.
Lewis, Payton T.
Lewis, William Jr.
Lewis, William Sr.
Liffiton, Norman H.
Lloyd, Fred A.
Lloyd, John A.
Longstreet, Louis
Lopatin, Irving
Lopatin, Nathan
Lopatin, Sol
Lopatin, William
Lopatin, William S. Lorenzo, Frank D.
Loquet, Peter F.
Loquet, Robert A.
Lowy, Seymour
Loxton, Alan
Lubert, Edward W. Lugannani, Donald R. Lykes, Harold M.
Lykes, James
MacDonald, William L. Mack, Timothy
Mackey, Arnold
Mackey, Robert
Maher, John
Maher, Thomas M.
Mahon, Joseph M. Mahoney, Joseph Malekovich, Boris Malekovich, Charles W. Mancini, Alfred
Marazitta, Joseph
Martin, Donald
Martin, Euclid P.
Martin, Roland Jr.
Matlin, Harry
Matlin, Max
Matthews, Ernest Matthews, Everett Jr. Matthews, George W. Matthews, Robert G. Matthews, William A. Matutis, Stanley
Mayes, Edmund H. Mayes, MacDuffy
McCann, Thomas W. McCarthy, Dennis McCarthy, John F. McCarthy, Michael McChesney, Warren McClease, Lewis R. McClelland, James F. McCulloch, James D. McDermott, Harold C. McDonnell, George J. McElwaine, Charles R. McGackin, George W. McGackin, Leonard McGackin, John E. McGarrity, Thomas McGlory, Edward
McGlory, John J. Jr. McGlory, Joseph . McKay, Joseph J. McLaren, Everett
McLaren, James C. McLaughlin, Albert J. McLaughlin, Edward McMahon, George A. Jr.
McMahon, James J. McNamara, Harold F. McNamara, James E. McNamara, John J. McNamara, Robert D.
McNamara, Robert D. Meier, Albert
Meisinger, William O. Merola, Michael G.
Merola, Ralph F.
Merola, Vincent J. Mernone, Mayo
Metcalf, Edmund
Metcalf, Herbert H.
Metcalf, William H.
Metier, Frederick B.
Meyer, Doris R.
Meyer, Victor F. Mikkelson, Nicholas Miller, Dudley Charles Jr.
Mills, Lawrence F.
Mills, William
Mitchell, Ernest J.
Mohr, Edward
Morrell, Vernon W.
Morris, William
Motola, Michael
Muir, Robert A.
Mulholland, George I. Mulholland, Robert J. Mulhplland, Walter
Murphy, Clarence T. Jr. Murphy, George D. Murphy, Joseph P. Murphy, Leo E.
Murphy, Raymond F. Murphy, Robert J. Muschette, D. P. Musgrave, Harold C. Musgrave, Ralph G.
Navarro, Jose L.
Nevelinski, Anton Niemtzow, Frank Niemtzow, Samuel Nodine, Walter J. Jr. Nodine, Warren
Nolan, Leon
Norkus, Francis A.
North, Albert J.
Nowack, Charles H. Nowack, Eugene E. Nowland, William
Oakes, Alfred
Oakes, Ernest
Oakley, Charles
Oakley, Ernest T. O'Connell, James W. O'Donnell, Edward F. O'Donnell, William F. Jr. Oglensky, Bernard
Ogulik, Edward
Ogulik, Jacob
Okerson, John D.
Okerson, Warren V.
Oliver, William
Ollwerther, William P.
Oppenheim, Samuel Ostrowsky, Frank J. Ostrowsky, George A. Outcaulf, Raymond V. Outlaw,' Walter
Owens, Ralph
Paladino, Andrew
Palmeri, John E.
Papolic, Charles E. Parham, Wilbur
Parish, Robert
Parker, Herman
Parker, Malcolm M.
Paton, John G
Patten, William D. Patterson, Kenneth V. Patterson, Samuel
Perro, Richard B.
Perry, Clarence E.
Perry, Joseph R.
Perry, William W.
Peque, Robert
Petrics, William A.
Petroff, Alex
Pettingill, Peter W.
Pettit, Alfred S.
Pierce, Bolton S.
Pietruskiewicz, John Pitcher, Bertram O.
Pitt, Frank B
Pogue, Benjamin R. Poinsett, Arthur S.
Popkin, Abraham
Potter, Robert
Power, Hubert
Power, James E.
Power, Lawrence G. Powers, Jerome A.
Price, Chester A.
Priest, Warren
Prigge, Henry T.
Pugh, William
Pulos, George S.
Quabeck, Howard
Qujgg, John J.
Quinn, Frank A.
Quinn, James R.
Quinn, John W.
Quinn, Norbert L.
Ralston, John
Rasmussen, Joseph G. Rasmussen, Lawrence E.
Rasmussen, Raymond J.
Ratti, John
Read, Charles R.
Read, John W.
Read, William B.
Redjatus, Stephen
Reichey, Daniel P.
Reis, Thomas
Reimers, Frederick F.
Rew, Henry T.
Reynolds, Donald G. Richardson, Carl A. Richardson, Lonnie Richmond, Raymond Riddle, .William H.
Riemer, Paul
Riopel, Norman
Riopel, Richard
Robinson, Asbury Robinson, James Robinson, Jarvis
Robinson, Lester Rofulowitz, David
Ronan, Augustus R. Ronan, Leonard J.
Rose, David
Rosner, Dorothy L. Rothman, Harry
Rowe, Charles O.
Rowe, Frederick Rubenstein, Harry Rubenstein, Seymour Ruffin, Robert C.
Rnffin, Stewait
Ruffin, William P.
Runyon, Frederick F.
Sadowsky, Anthony J. Sadowsky, John Sagotsky, Harry
Sahinides, George W. Sahler, Otto
Sajor, Michael
Saker, Fred G.
Saker, George W. Jr. Sandy, William A. Santoriello, Gennaro Sastokes, Alexander Jr. Saunders, H. Clark Jr. Scanlon, Joseph T. Scanlon, Raymond J. Schiverea, Grace L. Schnebbe, Francis H. Schnek, William
Schrott, Isidore
Schultz, Leonard
Schultz, William Sciarappo, Louis J. Searby, Fred G.
Seddon, Frank
Seddon, Norman
Seiber, John H.
Seitz, John A.
Sheehan, John J.
Sheehy, Donald J. Sheilock, Joseph A. Jr. Sherlock, Joseph A. Sr.
Sherlock, Lawrence T. Sherman, Forman S. Shimko, William L. Simmons, James W. Simmons, William T. Sirutis, Leon F.
Sirutis, Stephen
Sirutis, Vincent J. Skalkovich, Jack
Skelding, George L. Slattery, David B.
Slattery, Robert L.
Slefka, William
Smith, Arthur W.
Smith, Daniel W.
Smith, George R.
Smith, James O. Jr.
Smith, Norman
Smith, Walter
Smock, Arthur D. Jr. Snively, Melchoir G. Snyder, Frank
Snyder, John J.
Soden, Arthur
Soden, Edward
Soden, Edward W.
Soden, Eugene W.
Soden, J. Wright
Sokol, Abraham
Sokol, Jerry
Sokol, Peter
Solakian, Mitchell Southard, James A. Spicer, Leslie
Springsteen, Douglas F.
Spitzner, Dorothy J. Spitzner, Herbert V. Spitzner, Richard E. Spuler, Edward J. Stansfield, Harold J. Statesir, Robert M. Statesk, Vernon A. Steen, John R.
Steinberg, Jacob
Stillwell, Arthur C.
Storer, Leo F.
Strickland, Edwin R. Jr.
Strickland, William V. Strickman, Herbert
Struyf, Henry
Stryker, John R.
Supulski, Joseph Swerdloff, Abraham Szkolnik, Michael
Tanay, Stephen
Tanguay, Edmund A. Tanguay, John F. Tannenbaum, Arnold Tashjian, Haigaz Taterinchik, Leo J.
Taylor, Ernest
Taylor, John G.
Taylor, Lewis R.
Taylor, Raymond
Taylor, Russell M.
Tela, George
Tela, William, L.
Terry, Oliver
Test, Robert
Thompson, Clarence M. Thompson, David C. Thompson, Harry W. Thompson, Walter F. Thompson, Walter S. Throckmorton, Robert Tietjen, Raymond A.
Toon, Gilbert
Towers, Edward J.
Treat, Leland R.
Trojan, Francis R. Trowbridge, John E. Jr. Tufenkjian, Hugh H. Tufenkjian, Otto A.
Urbelis, Gedminas E. Urbelis, Vytold A.
Vanaman, Robert B. Vanorky, Mary
VanDerveer, August A. Vanderveer, Carl M. VanderVeer, Edward M. Vanderveer, Eugene J. VanderVeer, Francis D.
VanDerveer, John H.
Venti, Louis
Visona, Arthur
Voltz, James
Voltz, John
Vredenburgh, James B.
Walker, Cyril E.
Wallace, James C. Walters, Edmund D. Walters, Richard H.
Ware, James
Watt, Clifford A.
Weinroth, Jack
Weinroth, Max
Weinroth, Sylvia A. Weinstein, Leon
Weiser, Bernard H. Wenzel, Ernest J.
West, Robert
West, Stanley A. Westerman, John Whitcomb, McLean F. White, Cyril M.
White, George
White, Robert
White, Roy Thomas
White, Thomas J.
White, William L. Wieland, Charles H. Wilcox, Albert W. Williams, Adrian
Williams, Charles F. Williams, Claude L. Williams, Earl
Williams, Jack
Williams, John F.
Williams, Lee B.
Willis, George L.
Willis, Leslie H.
Wilson, Clarence
Wilson, Harry E.
Wilson, William M. Jr. Witman, Frank Jr.
Witman, John H. Jr.
Wood, Robert L.
Wood, William R. Woolfenden, Francis B. Woodruff, Curtis B. Wrobleski, Anthony H.
Yarrington, Hugh W. Yarrington, Warren
Yates, Curtis K.
Yates, John W.
Yates, Thomas H. Jr. Yetman, Herbert Jr.
Zarembousky, Alexander
Zarnofsky, Andrew G. Zarzyski, Joseph
Zlotkin, Isadore
"Remember Pearl Harbor"